
Tag: NHL

Rangers Week in Review

Rangers Week in Review: New Year, Not So New Rangers

If you were thinking, “Hey, it’s great that Rangers hockey is back, even the pandemic couldn’t stop it!” you are not alone. However, it seems that even into the third week of games, the Rangers still think they’re trapped in the bubble of last season’s playoffs.

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Ice Picks

NHL Ice Picks: Tuesday, January 26

We head into another week of gambling coming off a sweep Thursday to bring our record to 5-3. Tuesday’s card is absolutely jam-packed with 13 games. For this edition, the focus is on the ultra-competitive East Division.

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Mackenzie Blackwood

NHL Ice Picks: Tuesday, January 19th

Welcome back to Ice Picks. Saturday we took a bite of some humble pie as we missed on both of our selections to even out our season record to 2-2. Expect some ebbs and flows throughout the year. A good goal is to try to hit on 55-60 percent of selections. Just as important is to try to stay as even-keeled as possible. With a good mindset in tack let’s tackle some Ice Picks for Tuesday’s eight-game slate.

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Rangers Week in Review
Latest News

Rangers Week in Review: New Year, Not So New Rangers

If you were thinking, “Hey, it’s great that Rangers hockey is back, even the pandemic couldn’t stop it!” you are not alone. However, it seems that even into the third week of games, the Rangers still think they’re trapped in the bubble of last season’s playoffs.

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Ice Picks

NHL Ice Picks: Tuesday, January 26

We head into another week of gambling coming off a sweep Thursday to bring our record to 5-3. Tuesday’s card is absolutely jam-packed with 13 games. For this edition, the focus is on the ultra-competitive East Division.

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Mackenzie Blackwood

NHL Ice Picks: Tuesday, January 19th

Welcome back to Ice Picks. Saturday we took a bite of some humble pie as we missed on both of our selections to even out our season record to 2-2. Expect some ebbs and flows throughout the year. A good goal is to try to hit on 55-60 percent of selections. Just as important is to try to stay as even-keeled as possible. With a good mindset in tack let’s tackle some Ice Picks for Tuesday’s eight-game slate.

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