
Prime Time Sports Talk Announces Partnership With Black N’ Gold Hockey


Prime Time Sports Talk is continuing its expansion and we are proud to announce our partnership with

Chief executive officer Mark Allred Jr. of released a statement on the partnership.

“We as a team at Black N’ Gold Productions are thrilled for the opportunity to partner up with a fantastic website such as Prime Time Sports Talk as they’re truly one of the best resources for covering all of Boston’s sports teams,” Allred said. “I’m a longtime diehard Boston Bruins fan and Founder/CEO of the Black N Gold Hockey Podcast and website. We cover everything Bruins related from the National Hockey League down to the organization’s prospects scattered around the world.”

Prime Time Sports Talk will feature podcasts from their websites shows Beer N’ Bruins as well the Black N Gold Hockey Podcast.

“I am truly ecstatic about the opportunities this partnership opens up for both of our respective companies,” Prime Time Sports Talk’s CEO and Founder Sam Gordon said in regards to the partnership. “We both pride ourselves on an excellent product for both our fanbases to enjoy and nothing excites me more than to give our fans more content to sink their teeth into. I am very excited for what this next hockey season brings as well as the amount of excellent content to be released between us. On behalf of our entire staff and fan base, I am proud to welcome you to our Prime Time Sports Talk family.”




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