
Pirates Back to the Drawing Board After Dismal 1-3 Start


Massachusetts Pirates Jawad Yatim reportedly went into the locker along with former New England Patriots fullback Patrick Pass to tell their team about a familiar tale.

In the thralls of a 1-3 start, fullback Quayvon Hicks and the rest of the players sat as Yatim told the story of the 2001 Patriots and their journey from a 1-3 start to their first Super Bowl championship.

“He spoke about the Patriots and that program has been established for awhile, they learn how to figure it out every year,” Hicks said. “As far as our team goes we need to keep trucking man, not really much to be said.”


Wide receiver Demetruce McNeal recalled Yatim’s and Pass’ postgame pep talk to the team claiming that it gave the team a vote of confidence on an otherwise negative outing.

“Jawad brought it up to us in the locker room and even Patrick Pass stepped in front of us and told us about when he and his guys started out 1-3,” McNeal said. “Then they were 5-5 and won a Super Bowl. It can happen, it’s been done before and that’s why I said earlier don’t panic it’s just a rough start.”


Surrendering 55 points on defense, players on the defense like lineman Josh Augusta say play needs to be better all around.

“We’ve been having trouble getting on the same page,” Augusta said. “Everybody want to do their own thing, this is a team and once we come together we’re gonna win more games but until then we’re going to stay the same, so we just need to get more together.

Augusta said that he himself has little things he needs to do to get better in short yardage situations.

“To be honest, [I need to] get lower, I’ve always had a problem staying low,” Augusta said. “Me being a big guy, with tight hips I gotta work on that, and just keep getting stronger because I’ve been injured and gotta get my body back into it.”


Augusta gave a message to the likely concerned Pirates fans to maybe reassure them that things just might turn around.

“We just gotta watch more film and get on the same page as each other and we’ll be good,” Augusta said. “Just stay with us, we gonna do a comeback, we definitely gonna do a comeback.

McNeal knows that every team has a common goal, the team just needs to do all the little things better.

“The other guys over there on the other side are getting paid just like we are, they want to win just like we do,” McNeal said. “We just gotta do a better job at executing our things just to do better than the other team, and we gonna do our thing, the Patriots got it together, we can get it together.”


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