
Is Alex Rodriguez A Coward If He Doesn't Come-back This Season?


We all know that Alex Rodriguez had one of the best careers in baseball. We remember his time playing alongside Ken Griffey Seattle, His incredible 10-minute career in Texas, and then becoming the number one Derek Jeter hater with the Yankees.

One thing that has always bothered me about Rodriguez’s career is his career home run total. He finished with 696.

I mean, dude, are you kidding me?

You couldn’t play one final farewell season in like Seattle or someplace? Four home runs away from being the fourth-player in baseball HISTORY to hit 700 bombs. You couldn’t find the courage to pass Babe Ruth‘s total of 714?

Anyway, the reason I am challenging A-Rod to come back is that he posted this video on Twitter yesterday.



You can show me a video of any person ever doing whacky workouts with a weighted vest on and I will think that they are the greatest athlete to ever live. And let me tell you what, A-Rod is looking very good.

I would also like to point out that we have a universal DH for the first time ever this year. Get my guy in Colorado and let’s break some records.

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