
I Said It 7-28-17: Kaepernick, Cavaliers, and Cocaine


By Producer Alex

Good thing I remembered to do this as my deadline loomed large in the distance…

  • James Harden is officially now a legend: he spent so much money at this one strip club that the club decided to hang his jersey in the rafters of their establishment. Epic.
  • Check out this poll where respondents said national anthem protests were the biggest reason they stopped watching the NFL last season. Guess it’s no wonder the Ravens signed an Arena Football League quarterback over Colin Kaepernick. Given their 8-8 performance last year, they can’t afford to lose any more viewers. The only surprise here is that arena football is still a thing…
  • The same pastor who told Justin Bieber to cancel his tour also told Kyrie Irving to leave the Cavaliers… Praise the Lord!
  • It’s been said that perhaps up to 25% of MLB players might be cocaine users… I always knew I liked baseball the best. But seriously, this makes the whole steroid issue look pretty peachy. I mean, at least Barry Bonds wasn’t a coke-head… Right?

Thus ends this sin-riddled edition of Antics. Good thing I’m hardcore too: last night, I crossed a street without looking both ways… I’m a certified savage.




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