
The Injury Bug Came to Training Camp Too!!!


Dr. Beth Sullivan| July 29th, 2019

A new NFL season is underway as all teams have started training camp.  Unfortunately for some, the injury bug decided to tag along too.

The Giants kicked things off on the first day by losing 2 receivers. Sterling Shepard suffered a fractured thumb when a pass glanced off it while he was attempting a catch. He did manage to avoid the need for surgery and is currently in a cast and will be re-evaluated in about two weeks. The normal healing time for a simple break is four to six weeks which means he will most likely miss all of training camp but should be ready when the season starts in about six weeks.


Corey Coleman was not as lucky. He suffered a torn ACL and his 2019 season came to an end on the first day of preparation. He will undergo reconstructive surgery and begin rehab in hopes that all goes smoothly and he can be ready for next season.

Coleman was not the only ACL torn. Atlanta Falcons safety J.J. Wilcox suffered a torn ACL on Monday as the team was practicing to get ready for the Hall of Fame Game. Both Coleman and Wilcox were placed on injured reserve and will begin a nine to twelve-month timeline for recovery.


Being a wide receiver is obviously a dangerous occupation. On Sunday Cincinnatti Bengal A.J. Green received MRI results that showed torn ligaments in his left ankle. He will see a foot specialist on Monday for a second opinion. Ligamentous tears are a grade 2 or 3 strain depending on whether the ligament is partially or completely torn. Since a specialist is being consulted, I suspect the injury is more likely a grade 3 strain. I did a review of the grading of sprains and strains and you can review it by clicking here. The six to eight week timeline for his return is very optimistic in my opinion. If the foot specialist determines that surgery is needed to properly repair the ligaments the recovery time could be a minimum of eight to twelve weeks and maybe even longer depending on the ligaments that are torn.

The Giants are not the only team to have a player suffer a broken thumb. Robert Griffin III, a quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens, sustained a hairline right thumb fracture and is expected to need four to six weeks for recovery. He will, therefore, miss all of training camp too.

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